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KVB Publications

Biblical resources to help you study what you believe, why you believe it, and how it transforms your world.


KVB Publications provides high-quality, theologically sound, personally relatable, reasonably priced curriculum and resources for individuals, families, and churches. Our goal is to help all Christians deepen their understanding of the Scriptures and apply it to everyday life.

Rather than separating the Bible stories and the doctrines contained in the Scriptures into two different categories, our curriculum emphasizes studying both together. All of our resources are designed to help users draw out the richness of Biblical and systematic theology while simultaneously answering the question, “How does this impact my life today?”

The Christian faith is so much more than just intellectual capital, and we believe this approach of studying Bible Stories + Doctrine is the best way to make immediate, practical, Biblical applications to daily living. Our hope is that as you use these materials, the Word of God will be working in you and through you anywhere you are: at the dinner table, at the ball field, at work, and everywhere else in between!



KVB Publications is a ministry of the Rev. Angelo Valle and his wife, Marie Valle. The Rev. Angelo O. Valle is the pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Alexandria, Pennsylvania, where he has served for the past ten years. He is husband to Marie and father to Jonathan (10), Eliana (8), Thea (5), and Riley (3).

As a minister in the Presbyterian Church of America, Susquehanna Valley Presbytery, Rev. Valle has labored to maintain the orthodox and reformed faith, specifically centering on the importance of sound doctrinal teaching & preaching, robust liturgy, and theological singing.

The Rev. Valle has recently completed his Masters of Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) on John Owen’s pastoral theology and is a PhD student at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

In addition to a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Children’s Ministry and Business Administration, Mrs. Marie Valle has spent the better part of the last 15 years teaching children in the church. Although she worked with children’s ministries with over 350 children, her most recent endeavors have been homeschooling their children and teaching Sunday School in their small rural church in a classroom of mixed ages ranging from toddlers to fourth graders. She has recently completed a Masters in Biblical Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) with the aim of bringing the complexity and relevance of the Scriptures to young people.

The whole Valle family shares a love for theology, creeds & confessions, church history, and music, with family worship being a central feature to their home and ministry.


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