
Welcome to Christ Reformed Church of Alexandria

A Mission Church in the Presbyterian Church in America

Morning Worship: Sundays at 10:00 AM
Christian Education for Children & Adults: Sundays at 11:45 AM

The Second Annual Aurandt Lectures on Theology

CRC Sanctuary 2

At CRC, our primary goal is to be faithful to the Lord God who has called us into fellowship with Him by His Holy Spirit through His Son.

We can only achieve this goal of being faithful to God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ who calls us to “come as we are” yet to be transformed by His Word and Spirit.

The inevitable result of such a work of God, is a desire within us to faithfully obey the great commission given to us by Jesus to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19-20 ESV).

Our Storied

The first record of the establishment of the Reformed Faith in Alexandria dates from the year 1798…


We affirm the doctrine contained within the historic Christian creeds connecting us with the history of God’s Church…

Our Primary

The most concise way to explain the Gospel, or “Good News” of Jesus Christ can be found in two passages…


Jesus Wants to Save Hypocrites Too
If you take a moment to read Romans 2:1-11, the entirety of this passage can be summarized in this sentence: Paul’s warning is meant to point every hypocrite, both then and today, away from eternal destruction and towards God whose character ought to lead us all to repentance. The Apostle Paul was setting his gaze … More Jesus Wants to Save Hypocrites Too
Water, Bread, & Whine
When was the last time you had to plan for a big trip? Maybe it was a business trip or even a vacation. One of the most stressful parts of these sorts of trips is the preparation. Nobody wants to be far from home and remember that they don’t have an essential component for their … More Water, Bread, & Whine
The Exodus
The Old Testament is rich with stories of God’s power and faithfulness. One of the greatest stories in this collection involves God delivering Israel from the clutches of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. The Exodus story is rich and full of displays of God’s power from the burning bush, into the ten plagues, but especially at … More The Exodus

For more information about our church’s past and present,


A Confessionally Reformed Congregation,
meeting with God in liturgical worship,
proclaiming all of the Bible for all of life.